Free Professional Development Training for Early Childhood Workforce
The Washington County Coalition for Children is collaborating with the Maine Resilience Building Network to offer free professional development trainings for early childhood home visitors, family child care home providers, and child care center staff. Strong Kids, Strong Families, Strong Communities is the theme of the 2-part training, which focuses on the science of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Resilience Building Strategies. Training will include ACEs research, early brain development, the impact of toxic stress on development, as well as protective factors such as positive relationships. Science-informed strategies to promote resilience building for our children birth-5 will be introduced. Asset-informed, trauma-sensitive approaches that strengthen child-parent and child-teacher connections to support social emotional learning and well-being will also be shared.
The training presenter will be Kini-Ana Tinkham, Executive Director of the Maine Resiliency Building Network (MRBN). Kini-Ana has worked for close to 40 years as a RN, educator, advocate, and leader. Her career expands across maternal and child health, home visitation, school-based health centers, youth leadership, family planning, clinical healthcare delivery and public health. She brings a passion for resiliency education to her work as well as leadership in advancing health equity and improved health and wellbeing in Maine.
The online trainings provide an opportunity for new learning, application and understanding through self-reflection, breakout room assignments with peers, report and full group discussion and networking with other Rhode Island Early Childhood professionals. Participants completing the 2-part training will earn 3.0 professional development credits from the RI Center for RI Early Learning Professionals.
Trainings for scheduled as follows:
For Home Visitors (Download Flyer)
Wednesdays, Oct 28th & Nov 4th, 2020 from 9:00-10:30 AM OR Tuesdays, Nov 10th & Nov 17th, 2020 from 1:00-2:30 PM
For Family Home Child Care Providers (Download Flyer)
Wednesdays, Oct 28th & Nov 4th, 2020 from 6:30-8:00 PM OR Tuesdays, Nov 10th & Nov 17th, 2020 from 6:30-8:00 PM
For Early Childhood Center Staff (Download Flyer)
Wednesdays, Oct 28th & Nov 4th, 2020 from 1:00-2:30 PM OR Tuesdays, Nov 10th & Nov 17th, 2020 from 9:00-10:30 AM
To register, Click on dates above or go to
The Washington County Coalition for Children is southern RI’s child advocacy organization working to foster community change so all children thrive. The Maine Resilience Building Network has been working to increase the understanding of ACEs & the importance of building resilience through protective factors for over a decade. This training was made possible by federal PDG B-5 funding provided to the Coalition by the RI Dept. of Health.