50 free training slots available for 8-hour, certificate program at sites in North Kingstown, Wakefield starting in late September Adolescent issues such as depression, eating disorders, AD/HD, and substance use

Coalition Honors Two Local Champions: Giancola and Iacoi

Lou Giancola, head of South County Hospital Healthcare System, Stephen Iacoi, Westerly Public Schools Attendance Officer win year’s top awards from Coalition South County’s advocates for children applauded two of their own

Register Now for June 3rd Children’s Issues Forum

“Will This Year’s Budget Work for Our Kids?” will be the topic for our keynote speaker Linda Katz, Esq. at the 13th annual Children’s Issues Forum, to be held this

Coalition Issues New Report

The Coalition has updated our “and how are the children?” report we’ve been issuing about the status of the County’s children since we were formed in 2001.  The 2015 study

Know someone who has been an unsung hero for children in Washington County? Someone who again and again goes ‘above and beyond’ for the children of our community? Nominate her/him

Coalition facilitates collaboration between Southern RI LEA Consortia, Gateway Healthcare, and S. Kingstown Police Dept.  to train 500 people to identify and respond to signs of mental health problems among

Wakefield & Westerly Chalk It Up Against Bullying

In conjunction with National Bullying Prevention Month, the towns of Wakefield and Westerly sent the message loud and clear that bullying is not to be ignored in their towns. On

Coalition Honors 3 Local Champions

Awards presented at 12th annual Issues Forum in Narragansett The Washington County Coalition for Children, the region’s key advocacy group for children and their families for more than a decade,

Coalition’s Louise Kiessling, MD, named Rural Health Champion

Louise Kiessling, MD, FAAP, (shown above with Jill D’Errico, Director of the State Office of Rural Health and Newell Warde, Executive Director of the RI Medical Society) was named a 2013

Westerly Middle School Adopts Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

With great gusto, the Westerly Middle School joined the Coalition’s team of schools using the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (we’ve introduced the innovative effort to the Curtis Corner and Broad