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Register Now for June 3rd Children’s Issues Forum

“Will This Year’s Budget Work for Our Kids?”
will be the topic for our keynote speaker Linda Katz, Esq. at the 13th annual Children’s Issues Forum, to be held this year on Wednesday, June 3 at the Village Inn in Narragansett from 8-10:30 a.m.
Katz, who co-founded and remains the Institute’s Policy Director, is responsible for legislative and policy analysis and advocacy on a range of public benefits and programs, including: welfare, health care, child care, and employment
and training. Among many other activities, she is also chair of the statewide RI Works Advisory Committee, RIte Care Consumer Advisory Council, and one of nine public members of the state’s Health Insurance Exchange. She is a member of the new Reinventing Medicaid Working Group, established by Governor Raimondo to improve the quality of health care for Rhode Island’s vulnerable citizens and to reduce costs for taxpayers.  Before joining the Institute full-time in 2001, Katz worked for the RI Health Center Association, RI Disability Law Center, and RI Legal Services.

Forum will feature latest data update, award ceremony
This year’s Forum will include an update on the latest data available about Washington County children and their families, including some outtakes from the newly-published “and how are the children?”, now online, with full-color print copies available for sale.  The breakfast event will also include the annual award ceremony to recognize both community activists and Coalition members who work so hard on behalf of children.

Tickets only $30, with another $5 off with membership

As always, the entire program, including an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet, costs only $30. For a new or renewed membership as low as $10, you get $5 off the ticket.
For more information, download the Forum brochure or contact Coalition Coordinator Susan Orban at wccc@washcokids.org.