2nd annual Youth Mental Health Summit slated for May 19th

  Mark Your Calendars! Join us again on the University of RI campus as we celebrate the CenTEENial and work to foster youth mental well-being with local youth leading the

Upcoming Youth Mental Health Summit on May 23rd!!

Join us for an informative and provocative evening  from 6:00-8:00 PM at URI's Swan Hall as we learn about the needs of our youth and their ACTION PLAN for mental wellness.  Register early, space is limited.

Youth Mental Health First Aid

This FREE 6.5 hour evidence-based course is taught in a Blended Format. Learners complete a 2-hour, self-paced portion online and then attend two 2.5hour (with breaks) Instructor-led skill-building training sessions online via ZOOM.

World Mental Health Day

join us for ‘Anxious Nation’ film preview & panel discussion with local experts & families on Tues., Oct. 10, 2023 7:00-8:30 pm At the URI Welcome Center Hope Room 45 Upper College Rd Kingston, RI 02881 1 in 3 youth in the U.S. suffers with generalized anxiety. ‘Anxious Nation’ takes a deep look into the crisis of anxiety& mental health in America, especially its impact on kids(ages 10-26) & their families.